Saturday, January 17, 2009

Why YOU are not suceeding in MLM or Network Marketing!

Are You on The Road To No Where? Or Are you on the Road to Success?

It always surprises me how many people don't make it in home businesses, MLM or network marketing opportunities.

Me, well I am doing really well and I love helping others do the same. However one of my passions in life is noticing what sets the winners apart from those who seem to fall behind or quit all together.

The purpose of this post if for people to start to see their 'opportunity' in a different light and have this understanding so that they can 1, know how to shift their mindset so that they actually reach their goals and 2, have a powerful and inspiring clarity when they speak to others about what they do.

First of all lets take a look at the stages most if not all network marketers have gone through. You might be at one of these stages now- Hopefully your time spent reaching the highest level of mastery has been short.

  1. Child-like Enthusiasm- You have just been signed up by your upline and you are in a state of euphoria of the differences that you are going to make in people's lives and the money you will make. Your motivation is so high that you can't help but talk to every man women and child about what you now do.

  2. The Dark Reality- You have gone out, spoke to all your 'warm market leads', you have found out the harshness of rejection and run across all the objections that you could ever imagine. You are building a tough skin and a few bits of knowledge about your product. But your commitment is slowly depleting.

  3. The Relearning of Old Skills- This is when you go back to your mentor be it your coach, upline, favourite guru and you either say- What am I doing wrong? or Why isn't it working? or you Simply Give up and cancel your distributorship and move on to the next thing or give up on your dreams of financial freedom.

  4. Personal Conviction and Enlightenment Stage-If you actually made it through stage 3, either one of two things happened. 1, YOU FOUND YOUR BURNING DESIRE- or 2, You have your PERSONAL ENLIGHTENMENT REALISATION of what the business really is.

You might wonder what the realisation is and that is the secret that I am going to share with you right now.

It is this that 'OPPORTUNITY' that you purchased when you signed up, actually was exactly that- An OPPORUTNITY. That is all it was. An opportunity to make more money. Some people call it a business opportunity, others a homebusiness or a chance at getting financial freedom. But what the words say and what people think is a different matter.

People somehow think business 'opportunity' means- "It will just automatically happen and I don't need to do any work, MLM/Net it is all just a system and it should all work out fine" Their thinking seems to ignore the first word- BUSINESS!

For any business to survive, profit and grow it must be doing the core fundamental activities. Planning, Forecasting, Accounting, Networking, People Management, Recruiting, Marketing and Sales. Yet, when we get into an Opportunity we seem to think that all of a sudden even though we are now running a business we don't need to do these things or we just do a few of them or only once or twice.

So be truthful, ask yourself- How am I doing in each of these areas?
because you will only be as good as the actions you take. Let me repeat that- You will only be as good as the actions you take.

The reason you will either succeed or fail is simply your ability to have strong strategies to manage all areas of your business.

Here is how-


  • Know your Product.
  • Become an expert at Marketing both online and off line- Study the Master Guru's.
  • Learn Copy writing skills.
  • Position yourself as an expert in your field.
  • Find an automated marketing system that can generate leads for you.


  • Start networking in your local community.
  • Study people and Motivation- You will need to motivate your downline.
  • Study communication- Both how to listen and how to talk in a pressure free inspiring manner.

  • Put a dollar value on both your time and your energy.
  • Don't waste your efforts. If something isn't working change your approach.
  • Keep strict record of all your expenses and make sure you are writing them up, just like a business owner would.
  • Have regular staff meetings- Well meet with your team and keep them on task and have mastermind groups to generate new ideas.

So how many of these things are you really doing consistently?

If you are not on your road to success it is simply because you are not running a 'business' and you are living on the hopium of your 'opportunity'. You will only reach your millions by consistent effort and relentless dedication to your goals.

Mastering Communication is the key. For me I have taken many of my skills from my own coaching program that I coach for-

If you are getting rejection it is your own fault. No one elses. You must have the skills to open people's minds and create a sale or sign up at hello, not at the end.

And for my marketing efforts I have always sort out the best systems that would generate the most interest in me and my 'business'.

I hope that this might shift your thinking even slightly to the fact that you run a business and you must act accordingly.

Now go out and improve people's lives- without pressure.

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