Monday, January 26, 2009

Choosing the right MLM/Network Marketing Business for you to Prosper

Choosing the right MLM/Network Marketing Business- Do you know what you are jumping into?

Let's face it well all get into this industry for one thing, the chance to make MONEY, yes that's it and that is all. Natrually we are also attracted the power that it gives us to help other people create financial wealth of their own and let's face it, unless we get other's feeling good about what we do then we won't get very far.

Yet, what always surprises me is that the serious players in the Network Marketing and MLM industry very rarely reveal the truth about each of the factors of what to consider when joining one. Reason why? Simple, everyone things THEIR opportunity is the best. However that belief is impossible becaause if it were true then there would only ever be one company!

So I thought I would share some thoughts about what to consider when choosing or switiching to a different business opportunity.

Before you make any decisions please consider the following points-

  • How long has the company been around? How established are they... (nothing against the old or the new, however the older company's have done the testing and have the systems in place to help you succeed, others are still developing) A good way to check is see if they are on the stock exchange or not.

  • How quickly can you make back your initial investment? Weeks, months or years?

  • Study the Comp Plan Seriously- A lot of tecnical jargon and company lingo can be used, don't get fooled. Do the math, how many people would you need to sponsor or how much product would you need to sell in order to obtain your desired income? THEN ASK your potential UPLINE. Too often this question just isn't asked and people get dispondant when things aren't happening as fast as the brochure said it would!

  • Learn the types of compensation there are- Is it binary? Is it Multi Level?

Binary is generally the safer and faster option for growth. Your cheques are paid out on your teams efforts based on your team's sales volume. Multi Level, your cheques are usually paid out depending on what level you are in the organisation. HOWEVER, there are many variations of these and each pays in a different fashion. BUT you MUST know what you are diving into.


  • Do you have a personal story that would relate to the product? A lot of people say that you don't have to like the product to sell it. I disagree. You must become an avid user and lover of what you use and sell. Otherwise how else will you talk about it in an associated mannar?

  • Research the Company Reputation- This one is similiar to the first one I mentioned but, here I mean specifically, what do experts in the industry think about it? If it is a nutritional product- would a doctor or nutrionalist recommend it? Ask around and see what they say. If it is a completely new item then simply do some target market research. Ask 10 people what they think about the idea of the product and would they purchase it at a shop? If yes, then you are going to have a huge headstart compared to something that is not acepted by the mainstream or the general public as an idea. There area a lot of great products out there from network marketing companies and mlm's, however there are some I would choose to use and some I would choose to get involved in in the business side of things. Don't confuse the two!

  • What Marketing tools are available for you? How well do they equip you to get your message out there? Some companies are well set up, others hardly know what a marketing video is or even an email autoresponder.

In this post I have not been too specific about the advantages of one as opposed to the other. It isn't my place to say so. I am simply showing you some key thoughts that you should have in mind when considering joining ANY opportunity that you are presented with.

When you are jumping into this industry as a newbie it can be hard to navigate your pathway to success so prepare well, plan your activities and seek out systems and skills that will help you obtain your goals.

Now Go out and improve people's lives- without pressure.

Marc Miles.

Pressure Free Coach.

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