Thursday, January 29, 2009

How to Raise your Self Esteem & Signs Ups in MLM/Network Marketing!

The Relationship Between Your Self Esteem & Your MLM/Network Marketing Sign Up's

What do you see when you look in the Mirror?

Our willingness to accept what is in the mirror is often a good sign of our level of self-esteem and how we feel about ourselves.

You see their is a direct relationship between your level of self esteem and the amount of people that will join you in you MLM/Network Marketing Business. If you don't feel good about yourself then it will be very very hard to attract people to you, or for you to talk to people about joining you and your team.

The fact is that a lot of people come into this industry with little to no experience in selling or communication, and further more a pretty low image of themself. This straight away means that they struggle with the initial stages of getting themselves off the ground.

The most important thing to remember is that we derive our self-worth from two things, how much we believe we are reaching our ideal self and how much other people value us. By controlling one you can control the other.

So here are some simple steps that you can take to increase your self esteem AND increase you sign up ratio for your distributors.

  • Write down a list of your top ten achievements in your life!- I am serious. This will immediately boost your self confidence. Don't question it, just do it.
  • List the qualities and characteristics that you admire in others around you. Name those people and list 3 things that they do that have attracted you to them.
  • List your own strenghts and weaknesses. If you struggle on the strenghts section go ask your parents, best friend or partner. But accept the truth that there ARE good things about you that you are deleting from your thinking.
  • Start to EXPRESS your Goodness- Absorb your goodness and be willing to share it with others. Find an avenue to express yourself. Be it a blog, Podcast, Article, facebook post or even just a practical fun email to others.
  • People value those who share and attempt to help others. How much are you helping the world function better? The more you are of assistance to others the more you will feel better about yourself.
  • Sell Yourself on Yourself- Approach everyday with an attitude of convincing yourself that each day was created for you to reach your potential and it is only your expectations of yourself that will determine your success. So be your own coach and push yourself, no one else will.
  • Afformations are the best way to do this- Ask yourself- Why am I so good at listening to people's problems? Why am I so happy to be alive? How is it that I am able to reach all my goals so easily?- By asking, you will automatically search for the answers, eventually your brain will give in and believe it.
  • Define your life mission- I am going to get personal here for a sec and share with you my life mission- "The maintenance and continual increase of excellence, personal growth and support of others to spread joy and happiness which leads to the betterment of society."
  • Bit abstract I know but trust me whenever I am not sure what to do in life I simply come back to my life mission and see if my decision falls in line with my life mission. If it does I do it, if not I don't. So my point is commit to defining your life mission and live it with passion. You will instantly attract people to you who are interested in doing the same.

  • Negative Contrast- This technique is really a last resort but if you get this far and you still feel bad about yourself and struggle with what you think of yourself just try Contrasting yourself and your situation with others.
  • There is ALWAYS someone worse off than you with bigger problems. Remember no matter how bad it is, YOU HAVE IT GOOD! So focus on giving back to those who have less.

On a final note, once you feel good about yourself, learn to humble yourself, learn from others and present your ideas appropriately so that your value is appreicated.

Now Go out and improve your image and improve the lives of others.

Pressure Free Sales Coach.

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