Monday, January 5, 2009

How to instantly lose an MLM prospect!

Yes Yes, I know that the picture is a bit dramatic, but let's be honest, this is often how we can all feel when we feel that we have lost a prospect or a strong lead for our MLM or network marketing business.
Unfortunately when people first start out in the industry they are so energized with passion for their great opportunity that they can and immeidately exhibit the exact behaviours and attributes that actually destroy any and all chances of anyone ever joining their business.
So if you want to immediately lose an MLM prospect please do at least one or more of the following-
1. Talk to everyone in your family about the great new business that you joined and tell them how quickly they can make money. - Watch your family tree suddenly wilter.
2. Send an email to all your friends and tell them that you have just quit your job to join a network marketing company and you are going to be a millionaire. Watch your contacts suddenly block you.
3. Start going through the phone book and cold calling from the letter A-Z. Listen for the hang-ups.
4. Place ads in the newspaper along the following lines-
'Work at home'
Huge potential earnings.
Call me Now!
-Watch your money going down the drain.
5. Spam all your friends on facebook, twitter, myspace and every other social networking site you know. Watch how many friends you lose or block you!
Now those already in the industry or still in it after having tried some of the above might scoff and say, yeah yeah common sense stuff. But reality check, who hasn't done at least one of the above?
What people need to realize is that it isn't the opportunity that puts people off, it isn't your intentions or how little your friends liked you in the first place that makes these activities a waste of time or painful.
It is simply that you in MLM and Network Marketing are facing the two biggest ghosts in the machine- PRESSURE & EGOCENTRISM.
What the hell do I mean you are asking? Well what I mean specifically is that people don't ever want to get involved in a business that involves 'pestering people' to join them doing something. Hence not an appealing process that anyone would want to replicate.
Egocentrisim, is that when people are prospecting the average focus is on who? YOU the distributor, if you get more people in, you do better. Very rarely does the prospect or the hunted victim feel that by them joining they are the real ones benefiting. Even if they do join they know consiously or unconsiously that someone else is benefiting from them joining up. Never sits well.
How to deal with the two problems of pressure and egocentrism?
  1. Start by approaching with a pressure free approach that demonstrates whole heartedly that you don't care if someone joins you or not, and that you are simply showing some info.
  2. Don't hide the facts. Be open with people and admit what you get out of the deal and show others that the only intention you have is to help your prospect solve a problem that they maybe facing in their own life. Share your story. Why did you join? Not the benefits, but the problems that you were trying to solve in your own life. Nothing more, if they are interested then maybe keep talking. If not, shut up and thank them for their time.
Feel free to choose either of the above strategies, either lose your prospects and follow the mistakes of others, or learn to treat your prospects with respect.
As you keep following this blog you will see more and more language that will effectively get your message across.
Watch out for my new ebook coming soon that pulls all the key languaging and successful traits of a top earning MLM er and Network Marketer into one resource.
Till next time- Go out and improve people's lives, without pressure.
Oh and if you are interested in an automated system to build trust with people check out what I use-

As Featured On EzineArticles

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