Monday, January 5, 2009

How to create an instant bond with your MLM/Network Marketing Prospect!

The ability to create an instant bond with your MLM or Network Marketing Prospect doesn't come naturally, particularly to newbies in the industry. Furthermore particularly to those who are not natural leaders.

A lot of people are under the illusion that it takes years of experience, expensive suits and flashy cars to impress and get noticed. But this is not so. When I joined my upline, she was a soft speaking, stay at home mum who was able to instantly connect with me at the heart. Sound gooey and unprofessional to you? Well maybe that is what is holding you back...

You see it isn't the outward things that will close the deal for you or help you recruit your next big associate or distributor or even customer. It is one thing and one thing only-


You see learning how to talk and be heard is an art. If you can follow a particular formula your message will always be heard and will always penetrate deep into the heart. Remember, the heart is where the emotions are held and it is the emotions that control all buying decisions. After we decide with emotions we back it up with logic. Remember that. Logic doesn't sell- Emotion does.

So here are 5 steps for getting heard and creating an
  1. Analyze your opportunity and fully understand the problems that it solves for people. How can it truly make people's lives better?
  2. Listen to your prospects daily problems. Get used to opening up dialogues with people about their issues and how they are suffering or struggling. Empathize and listen for pain that they might be feeling. Let's face it, how often to do you hear someone complaining about their health, finances or doomed economic future? All the time. Learn to get strategic in your conversations.
  3. Assess their Maturity- The fact is that many will be happy to wallow in their misery, others will want a change. But it is not for us to judge whichever level they are at. How do we do this- Ask them about other problems they have had in the past, how did they deal with it, were they able to get the results they wanted? etc. Whatever will show they they could be worth of taking charge of their pain and solving their own problems.
  4. The Opening Question- Ask them if they would be open to hearing an alternative solution to the exact problem they have described.... If yes, mention that you have come across something that has solved a similar problem you have had and maybe it could be a fit for them also, but it is up to them what they think. May not solve their 'exact' problem.
  5. Provide the info with an attitude of Ambivalence- You must remain neutral as you hand it over or send it. Let them know that you will NOT be chasing them or talking to them about it again. IF they see value in your opportunity they must call you. You have a strong team of professionals who have sort out strong answers to their problems and you love working with them because they are very proactive people and fun to be around, but you don't baby them or chase them up.

If you can show with all your words, body language and behaviour that you are an independent professional who solves peoples problems through a genuine care and respect for other people, then people will never give you the common objections or even consider doubting your intentions.

This is only one pressure free approach that authentic network marketers and MLM er's use.

How is your approach making your prospects feel?

Till next time, Go and improve people's lives- without pressure!

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