Sunday, January 4, 2009

Who's side are you on?

Which side of this wall are you on?
So many people enter MLM and network marketing with good intentions but fall flat on their face. 97% actually!
Yep, that is 3 % that go onto make big money and 97% that will get nowhere.
Which group you will be part of?
Well the answer to that question has nothing to do with the opportunity, product, or even the comp plan that you have.
All new 'distributors' or 'associates' or whatever your company calls, generally run into the same blockages and roadblocks whenever they are prospecting or recuriting.
These roadblocks all come back to the one thing- The Wall!
So what is the wall that trips everyone up? I mean can it all be so simple? Yes it can. See when we communicate with people we are either on one side or the other of a big wall. It is your ability to consistently cross that wall and see the other side that will determine your success or failure in the industry.
So the two sides are these- YCW -Your Compelling Why vs. PCW - The Prospect's Compelling Why.
When the average newbie to the industry or even veteran is attempting to communicate they are limited to one side of the wall and struggle to make the cross over and only communicate from the prospect's side. They are only focused on their reason for talking, not the prospect's reasons for LISTENING to what you have to say.
You see if you tell me-
"My company has been around for 20 years and we make the best nutritional products in the market that are the most scientifically proven effective amazing products in the world. Oh and we have an amazing compensation plan that will help you make a fortune! "
Who is the focus on? Yes that is right, the company and the distributor! Not the prospect. You must have the intuitive ability to make the leap over the wall and talk in a way that will speak to the person's reason for listening to you. Their Compelling WHY!
If you are able to stay focused on the key interests of the prospect and what they want to hear, see and feel from you then your message will be pressure-free and totally enthruall for your audience.
So what are your prospects truly interested in? Here they are in order of importance-
1. Who is talking- Yes you, they want to know about you.
2. The support they will receive.
3. What training is provided.
4. The marketing plan and the potential earnings.
5. The cost.
6. The product itself.
7. The competition and what else is out there that they are up against.
8. Company literature.
9. Company image.
10. Company history and experience.
So when you are talking you truly need to examine what side of the wall you are speaking from.
In order to do that you might want to follow these 5 steps to preparing for any presentation or interaction with a new prospect.
1. Write down Who was your upline and why did you join that person.
2. Analyse your reasons for joining your mlm or network marketing opportunity.
3. Consider how your mlm has helped you and other people, or if not, why?
4. Brainstorm the Problems- All the problems that your potential prospect might have and consider if your opportunity could really assist them with their problems, either financially, health wise or lifestyle wise.
5. Empathize and Energize- Imagine that you are in your prospect's shoes for a day. What do they feel and think? Imagine some of their desires and dreams and then -Energize them with an interaction that is going to open their mind to a new world of possiblities.
Please note the specific order of these tasks and notice that if you are truly focused on the other person they can but only appreicate the concern and care that you have shown towards them.
If you try to communicate your intentions in any other way, you will lose friends, burn through your prospecting list and kill your opportunity leads.
Check out the next post on specific languaging to approach people that you feel could benefit from your opportunity.

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