Friday, January 30, 2009

The Type of People You Never Want to RECRUIT in your MLM/Network Marketing business

-The Salesman

-The People Pleaser The Critic-

The Lazy Bum

So above you can see the four types of characters that you never want to bring into your MLM or Network Marketing business.
You might think each of them might have their advantages or strong points, like the salesman or the people pleaser. However all of the above have nightmarish traits that will make you wish you never opened your mouth about your opportunity.
We all want to sponsor as many people as we can but this can be a huge mistake. It can be better to have a smaller number of high performing people, than a team that is disruptive.
Here is why each of the above characters will cause you more hassles than you need-
  • Salesman- They will do a great job of 'Pitching' and running around convincing every man, woman and child why they should get involved. After not being able to convince people they will either give up and move onto another opportunity or run back to their stable job. If they do actually stick in the business they will recruit people and then rarely give them the support they need to grow. Salespeople are fantastic for creating sales results, but not good for building a business, particularly when the business is people. Believe me, every time I have signed up one of these types I have seen the consequences.

  • The People Pleaser- They will be too scared to talk to anyone. They will have the best intentions and might have even just joined you because they were too scared to say no to you. They will get your team nowhere. They will be too scared to get rejected or have anything to do with something that might make them feel uncomfortable in the eyes of others. Great for the volume points and rarely leave a team, however will do little to grow their own team.

  • The Critic- They might join you just to test it out. They will come along, sign up with you, test out the product- to satisfy their own ego, then after trying the products, the comp plan and talking to their friend about it and actually complaining about the company, they will probably jump ship pretty soon. Oh and these are the toughest people to talk to in the first place anyway.

  • The Lazy Bum- They like the proudct, stay on the auto ship but that is all they really do. They jumped at the 'opportunity' to make money but will do everything they can to avoid any ounce of 'work' to make that money happen, passively or actively.

So the obvious question is, who do you want in your organisation and how can you find them?

Here is the thing, ideally you want people who are either fed up with their life situation and are willing to take charge of their life to make it better, OR you want the 'Go-Getter' Enterpreuer types that will do whatever it takes to stay out of the rat race and reach their life goals.

Seem obvious? Well it might, however think about the number of times we end up recruiting the wrong type simply becasue we want to get to the next level or get those bonus sales points. Is it really worth it?

So now how do we find those types of people? Three steps-

  1. Become such a person yourself. Set your Goals and Go for them!
  2. Network with like minded people- Facebook, Twitter, Local Networking Events or even Seminars can be Great places to Start.
  3. Master the Art of Qualifying People- Ask powerful questions- What are your life goals? Have you ever been in business for yourself before? How did it go? What would you have done differently? What do you think your biggest skills are and what can you teach others?

Aftey they pass your qualifying stage then, and only then think about going to the next step but remember, you want to give your 'great opportunity' to those that will appreciate it and run with it. Be proud of what you do and share it with those that you think will treasure it.

Now go Out and improve people's lives-Without Pressure.

Marc Miles

Pressure Free Selling Coach

As Featured On EzineArticles

Old School Selling Vs. Trust Based Selling- What side of the game are you on with your MLM approach?

Are you Still Stuck on The ABC's of Selling? (Always Be Closing)

(Be Warned- Language and Content may Offend younger viewers)

Wow- What a Performance! I hope that you took the time to watch it all the way through. It really is a beautiful rendition of what the old school selling methods used to be.

I think there are some key themes that really stick out in the video and are attitudes that were very very prevelant particularly in those times of selling.

However those themes of pushing for the sale are no longer relevant in our recessed economy, world of distrust, and even more significant is the fact that clients are simply more educated and don't fall for the old school tactics anymore.

Key Themes-

  1. ABC- Always Be closing! - Yes that used to be the motto of the great sales people. However this motto seems to disregard the importance of rapport and looking out for what is best for the prospect. In the world we live in now, you can no longer manipulate people into a sale or try to push them in a direction that my not be right for them. Try a NEW MOTTO FOR THE NEW ERA of SELLING- ALWAYS BE OPENING.
  2. Everyone Should buy what you have- Interesting. Isn't it funny what the old school guru's had us believe. I don't even need to explain why that is stupid. Not everyone needs/wants what you have so acept it and get comfortable with that. Learn to concentrate on the people who are looking for what you have.
  3. If you are not succeeding in Sales it is YOUR FAULT- The guru's used to tell us to go out and sell and sell harder and if we are not closing it is becasue we are not closing enough. Funny about that one too. How about the fact that you are not keeping them OPEN to your ideas.

It is exactly the closing techniques that they used to tell us that acutally close people's minds to what we might have to offer them. Use you common sense, remember no one likes to be sold.

Keep your focus off the sale, off you and learn to focus on the other person and their issues and problems and watch your sales explode. That is the only way to think in this new world of TRUST Based, Pressure Free Selling. In MLM or any field it is all the same.

Now go out and improve people's lives- Without Pressure.

Marc Miles-Pressure Free Coach.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

How to Raise your Self Esteem & Signs Ups in MLM/Network Marketing!

The Relationship Between Your Self Esteem & Your MLM/Network Marketing Sign Up's

What do you see when you look in the Mirror?

Our willingness to accept what is in the mirror is often a good sign of our level of self-esteem and how we feel about ourselves.

You see their is a direct relationship between your level of self esteem and the amount of people that will join you in you MLM/Network Marketing Business. If you don't feel good about yourself then it will be very very hard to attract people to you, or for you to talk to people about joining you and your team.

The fact is that a lot of people come into this industry with little to no experience in selling or communication, and further more a pretty low image of themself. This straight away means that they struggle with the initial stages of getting themselves off the ground.

The most important thing to remember is that we derive our self-worth from two things, how much we believe we are reaching our ideal self and how much other people value us. By controlling one you can control the other.

So here are some simple steps that you can take to increase your self esteem AND increase you sign up ratio for your distributors.

  • Write down a list of your top ten achievements in your life!- I am serious. This will immediately boost your self confidence. Don't question it, just do it.
  • List the qualities and characteristics that you admire in others around you. Name those people and list 3 things that they do that have attracted you to them.
  • List your own strenghts and weaknesses. If you struggle on the strenghts section go ask your parents, best friend or partner. But accept the truth that there ARE good things about you that you are deleting from your thinking.
  • Start to EXPRESS your Goodness- Absorb your goodness and be willing to share it with others. Find an avenue to express yourself. Be it a blog, Podcast, Article, facebook post or even just a practical fun email to others.
  • People value those who share and attempt to help others. How much are you helping the world function better? The more you are of assistance to others the more you will feel better about yourself.
  • Sell Yourself on Yourself- Approach everyday with an attitude of convincing yourself that each day was created for you to reach your potential and it is only your expectations of yourself that will determine your success. So be your own coach and push yourself, no one else will.
  • Afformations are the best way to do this- Ask yourself- Why am I so good at listening to people's problems? Why am I so happy to be alive? How is it that I am able to reach all my goals so easily?- By asking, you will automatically search for the answers, eventually your brain will give in and believe it.
  • Define your life mission- I am going to get personal here for a sec and share with you my life mission- "The maintenance and continual increase of excellence, personal growth and support of others to spread joy and happiness which leads to the betterment of society."
  • Bit abstract I know but trust me whenever I am not sure what to do in life I simply come back to my life mission and see if my decision falls in line with my life mission. If it does I do it, if not I don't. So my point is commit to defining your life mission and live it with passion. You will instantly attract people to you who are interested in doing the same.

  • Negative Contrast- This technique is really a last resort but if you get this far and you still feel bad about yourself and struggle with what you think of yourself just try Contrasting yourself and your situation with others.
  • There is ALWAYS someone worse off than you with bigger problems. Remember no matter how bad it is, YOU HAVE IT GOOD! So focus on giving back to those who have less.

On a final note, once you feel good about yourself, learn to humble yourself, learn from others and present your ideas appropriately so that your value is appreicated.

Now Go out and improve your image and improve the lives of others.

Pressure Free Sales Coach.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Choosing the right MLM/Network Marketing Business for you to Prosper

Choosing the right MLM/Network Marketing Business- Do you know what you are jumping into?

Let's face it well all get into this industry for one thing, the chance to make MONEY, yes that's it and that is all. Natrually we are also attracted the power that it gives us to help other people create financial wealth of their own and let's face it, unless we get other's feeling good about what we do then we won't get very far.

Yet, what always surprises me is that the serious players in the Network Marketing and MLM industry very rarely reveal the truth about each of the factors of what to consider when joining one. Reason why? Simple, everyone things THEIR opportunity is the best. However that belief is impossible becaause if it were true then there would only ever be one company!

So I thought I would share some thoughts about what to consider when choosing or switiching to a different business opportunity.

Before you make any decisions please consider the following points-

  • How long has the company been around? How established are they... (nothing against the old or the new, however the older company's have done the testing and have the systems in place to help you succeed, others are still developing) A good way to check is see if they are on the stock exchange or not.

  • How quickly can you make back your initial investment? Weeks, months or years?

  • Study the Comp Plan Seriously- A lot of tecnical jargon and company lingo can be used, don't get fooled. Do the math, how many people would you need to sponsor or how much product would you need to sell in order to obtain your desired income? THEN ASK your potential UPLINE. Too often this question just isn't asked and people get dispondant when things aren't happening as fast as the brochure said it would!

  • Learn the types of compensation there are- Is it binary? Is it Multi Level?

Binary is generally the safer and faster option for growth. Your cheques are paid out on your teams efforts based on your team's sales volume. Multi Level, your cheques are usually paid out depending on what level you are in the organisation. HOWEVER, there are many variations of these and each pays in a different fashion. BUT you MUST know what you are diving into.


  • Do you have a personal story that would relate to the product? A lot of people say that you don't have to like the product to sell it. I disagree. You must become an avid user and lover of what you use and sell. Otherwise how else will you talk about it in an associated mannar?

  • Research the Company Reputation- This one is similiar to the first one I mentioned but, here I mean specifically, what do experts in the industry think about it? If it is a nutritional product- would a doctor or nutrionalist recommend it? Ask around and see what they say. If it is a completely new item then simply do some target market research. Ask 10 people what they think about the idea of the product and would they purchase it at a shop? If yes, then you are going to have a huge headstart compared to something that is not acepted by the mainstream or the general public as an idea. There area a lot of great products out there from network marketing companies and mlm's, however there are some I would choose to use and some I would choose to get involved in in the business side of things. Don't confuse the two!

  • What Marketing tools are available for you? How well do they equip you to get your message out there? Some companies are well set up, others hardly know what a marketing video is or even an email autoresponder.

In this post I have not been too specific about the advantages of one as opposed to the other. It isn't my place to say so. I am simply showing you some key thoughts that you should have in mind when considering joining ANY opportunity that you are presented with.

When you are jumping into this industry as a newbie it can be hard to navigate your pathway to success so prepare well, plan your activities and seek out systems and skills that will help you obtain your goals.

Now Go out and improve people's lives- without pressure.

Marc Miles.

Pressure Free Coach.

The Challenge to Be Perfect!

How Close Are You Getting to Perfect?

The Callenge to be Perfect in your Sales and Marketing

This post is more for those who are starting out in their own business or selling and it is simply some short fast ideas to help you feel comfortable with the idea of perfection.

I once read Robert Kiyosaki say that there are only 3 groups of people in the world.
  1. The group that absolutely love you.

  2. The group that havn't made up their mind yet.

  3. The group that absolutely hate you.

Robert said that the job of marketing was to focus on the first and the second group and never worry about the third.

You see the more I talk to people and teach them how to communicate in the selling envirnoment the more I feel their frustration and anguish over not 'being perfect' in their communication, their skill level, their marketing strategies or their ability to answer all the objections that people through at them for their business.

It makes me sad when people are not content with where they are really at in their own lives.

Let me reveal a secret to you- it is those people who exhibit the traits of both contentment and a fierce curiosity of the world around them that makes them successfu

And most people would say- Yes but how do I get satisfied when I hate everthing that is happening around me?

This answer to this is quite simple. Acept the fact that NOBODY IS or EVER WILL BE PERFECT! However, we all have the power to appreciate our own strenghts and admit our weaknesses. By doing so we are finally able to open the door to our true inner self to come out.

The first step on the road to self-actualization, sales mastery and any other success pursuits in life is- to admit what you don't know or your own weaknesses. When we were born our parents only ever saw us as perfect, and probably still do see us as perfect. It is only us and society that point out our flaws.

So what I would like the readers out there to understand is that the journey to perfection can not start without a true acceptance of ourselves as we are right now and that by admitting we are human and showing our faults, we actually achieve more in life.

A humble approach which shows that you are willing to help and solve people's problems is what truly stands you apart from others. Others will claim to be perfect or walk around acting as if they are perfect, however the empty hole in their soul is bigger than you can imagine.

Keep all your Sales and Recruiting efforts professional but also human. Noone is perfect and remember this is a journey of development, not a journey of perfection as we live each day.

By admitting mistakes, by being open to feedback, by treating others not like a business associate but by truly taking an interest in their world- Your impact in people's lives will astound you.

Marketing is simply about presenting yourself through unique, creative and innovative ideas like no one else can. And that is why YOU are so lucky. There is only ONE of YOU. So enjoy being YOU and understand that some people will love you no matter what you do so get yourself out there. Remember the three groups that Kiyosaki talks about and allow your true inner voice to sing to the world.

Now Go out and Improve People's lives- Without Pressure.

Marc Miles- Pressure Free Sales Coach.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Are you suffering from OPO's? - Other People's Opinions

Are You Suffering from Other People's Opinions?
It is a common fact that we become like those who we associate with. However, more importantly we will often achieve in our life to a degree which is similar to those around us.
I recently heard a great CD from Rick Otton, a real estate investing expert- (, in which he talked about the two biggest reasons for failure or not taking action-
1. People's fear of what other people will think of them if they try something and it doesn't work.
2. They might do something new and it works but people will no longer like them.
These thoughts can be disastrous and really helped me feel comfortable. Why? Well if all my journeys and travels and new pursuits that I have undertaken my friends have seemed to either come along for the ride or they have just fallen away.
My question to myself and also you the reader is- "What would be different if you stop listening to other people's opinions and just did whatever you believed in?" Even deeper than that, "What could you have achieved by now if you had ignored your best friend, family member or that radio journalist who told you not to follow your dream or what you were thinking of doing is too stupid?"
Other People's Opinions are cheap but they can be the most costing thing YOU ever encounter.
People will always have their own opinions, judgments and ideas about what you decide to do. Accept that and know that if they are not prepared to try things that you have done or are willing to do then they will never experience the learning or the success that you will.
Here are some things to keep in mind to avoid being a victim of OPO's
  • Be steadfast in your own goals and outcomes and believe in what you want out of life. When people see determination, they too are inspired.
  • The successful people are those who are ready and burning with desire to try things that haven't been done until now and make them succeed.
  • People only know what they have done themselves. They will always judge from a limited reality.
  • Growth is difficult for all. Understand that people all have different ways of dealing with their cheese being moved. Especially if someone they love is moving it.
  • Explain your reasons for doing things but never entertain the 'What if's'. You know your outcome so stick to it.
  • Network and find people who do the same so that you will never lose your passion and dedication. Also it will take you where you want to go 100 times faster.

Have I had these problems? Sure I went through it. I am an insane entrepreneur that wakes up full of new ideas. If I had listened to all of OPO's in my life I wouldn't be where I am now with a growing downline, massively successful business and an amazing job coaching people. But I knew it all could be done simply through focus.

Keep your head up, focus on your goals and never let OPO's get in your way!

Now go out and improve people's lives- without pressure.

Marc Miles.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Why YOU are not suceeding in MLM or Network Marketing!

Are You on The Road To No Where? Or Are you on the Road to Success?

It always surprises me how many people don't make it in home businesses, MLM or network marketing opportunities.

Me, well I am doing really well and I love helping others do the same. However one of my passions in life is noticing what sets the winners apart from those who seem to fall behind or quit all together.

The purpose of this post if for people to start to see their 'opportunity' in a different light and have this understanding so that they can 1, know how to shift their mindset so that they actually reach their goals and 2, have a powerful and inspiring clarity when they speak to others about what they do.

First of all lets take a look at the stages most if not all network marketers have gone through. You might be at one of these stages now- Hopefully your time spent reaching the highest level of mastery has been short.

  1. Child-like Enthusiasm- You have just been signed up by your upline and you are in a state of euphoria of the differences that you are going to make in people's lives and the money you will make. Your motivation is so high that you can't help but talk to every man women and child about what you now do.

  2. The Dark Reality- You have gone out, spoke to all your 'warm market leads', you have found out the harshness of rejection and run across all the objections that you could ever imagine. You are building a tough skin and a few bits of knowledge about your product. But your commitment is slowly depleting.

  3. The Relearning of Old Skills- This is when you go back to your mentor be it your coach, upline, favourite guru and you either say- What am I doing wrong? or Why isn't it working? or you Simply Give up and cancel your distributorship and move on to the next thing or give up on your dreams of financial freedom.

  4. Personal Conviction and Enlightenment Stage-If you actually made it through stage 3, either one of two things happened. 1, YOU FOUND YOUR BURNING DESIRE- or 2, You have your PERSONAL ENLIGHTENMENT REALISATION of what the business really is.

You might wonder what the realisation is and that is the secret that I am going to share with you right now.

It is this that 'OPPORTUNITY' that you purchased when you signed up, actually was exactly that- An OPPORUTNITY. That is all it was. An opportunity to make more money. Some people call it a business opportunity, others a homebusiness or a chance at getting financial freedom. But what the words say and what people think is a different matter.

People somehow think business 'opportunity' means- "It will just automatically happen and I don't need to do any work, MLM/Net it is all just a system and it should all work out fine" Their thinking seems to ignore the first word- BUSINESS!

For any business to survive, profit and grow it must be doing the core fundamental activities. Planning, Forecasting, Accounting, Networking, People Management, Recruiting, Marketing and Sales. Yet, when we get into an Opportunity we seem to think that all of a sudden even though we are now running a business we don't need to do these things or we just do a few of them or only once or twice.

So be truthful, ask yourself- How am I doing in each of these areas?
because you will only be as good as the actions you take. Let me repeat that- You will only be as good as the actions you take.

The reason you will either succeed or fail is simply your ability to have strong strategies to manage all areas of your business.

Here is how-


  • Know your Product.
  • Become an expert at Marketing both online and off line- Study the Master Guru's.
  • Learn Copy writing skills.
  • Position yourself as an expert in your field.
  • Find an automated marketing system that can generate leads for you.


  • Start networking in your local community.
  • Study people and Motivation- You will need to motivate your downline.
  • Study communication- Both how to listen and how to talk in a pressure free inspiring manner.

  • Put a dollar value on both your time and your energy.
  • Don't waste your efforts. If something isn't working change your approach.
  • Keep strict record of all your expenses and make sure you are writing them up, just like a business owner would.
  • Have regular staff meetings- Well meet with your team and keep them on task and have mastermind groups to generate new ideas.

So how many of these things are you really doing consistently?

If you are not on your road to success it is simply because you are not running a 'business' and you are living on the hopium of your 'opportunity'. You will only reach your millions by consistent effort and relentless dedication to your goals.

Mastering Communication is the key. For me I have taken many of my skills from my own coaching program that I coach for-

If you are getting rejection it is your own fault. No one elses. You must have the skills to open people's minds and create a sale or sign up at hello, not at the end.

And for my marketing efforts I have always sort out the best systems that would generate the most interest in me and my 'business'.

I hope that this might shift your thinking even slightly to the fact that you run a business and you must act accordingly.

Now go out and improve people's lives- without pressure.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Balancing Personal Achievement and Your FAMILY!

Do You Have the Perfect Balance in your MLM Business between your Family and your Commitment to Building a Thriving Downline?

If you are like me then managing your business and your family's desire to be with you isn't easy right?

This topic really hit home to me when I went to church yesterday, yes I do go to church and yes I do believe in God. For all the Atheists out there don't worry this post won't be religious. However, what I came to realize is the all children, whether they are God's children i.e people or simply our family's children are all born with one simple desire-


Yes, to be loved by us! How do they want that? Simply by us, the parents being willing to spend our 'time' with them.

But the problem is, we know why we are doing our MLM business or Network Marketing. It is usually in order to be able to reach the financial freedom that we all desire, so that we CAN have that time with our kids. Only one slight clitch in that. While we are in the process of trying to achieve it we actually miss out on attaining that goal, unless we go all out and gain that financial freedom within a month or so. Sorry, but rarely happens.

So I was thinking back on an idea by Harv Eker in his book- Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. It talks about the idea of "AND". Many people think that having money and being happy is impossible. Many people say that having economic prosperity AND a safe Environment is impossible. But when we open our mind to different ways that two possibly opposing ideas can happen at the same time through the power of AND we can achieve dramatic and long lasting results. It's all in the power of questions. Here is my question for you-

How can you use your MLM business or Network Marketing business to build a stronger bond with your family right now?

The simple fact is your children don't care who, how , what you are prospecting. They just want your love. So how can we create that love AND grow our business within our own homes? -Be in a state of having the happy family with the resources that we all desire?

Creating this picture for yourself isn't impossible.

Here are 5 ways that you could do it!

  1. Set aside blocked time in certain days of the week where you get up early and do your blogging, your calling or your marketing. You only do those activities in your blocked time. By setting boundaries people will respect you more. Me personally, 3 nights a week for 2 hours. With the Internet it doesn't matter where or when you do it. Just make your efforts consistent.
  2. Talk to your family about things. Tell them that now Mummy or Daddy is making lots of new friends on the Internet and building something so that we can have more money to do more of the things we like.
  3. Every time you 'sign someone up' into your business- Celebrate it, as a family! Go out for dinner or do something that signifies Mummy or Daddy's hard work. Help your family to associate massive pleasure to your efforts. We all want to feel good so share the highs.
  4. Get their INPUT - If you get people happily involved in what you are doing they will want to see you succeed. Show them your latest blog. Ask them what they think. If you have high school kids, get them to do the layout of a direct mail out, get them to help set up your website. Whatever ways you can get their input will show how much you VALUE them. i.e LOVE them.
  5. Enjoy the Process and Show Patience- Life isn't just about achieving, it is about being. Understand the time it will take to achieve your goals, be clear on them and be clear about your time frames. It is a process and don't get impatient. Plant your seeds and watch things grow.

If anything in this post resonated with you as a parent or friend of a parent send me an email and let me know your thoughts. Oh and by the way all the time why you are doing these things, you are actually teaching your kids financial literacy too.

Go out and improve people's lives- without Pressure.

Marc Miles.

If you are open to learning how I made sure I balanced my family and my goals you can look at the system that I use, but I hesitate to even put this in.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Are you revealing yourself too early?

Are you Revealing Yourself too Early?

This post might be a bit outrageous for most of you. And you will have to excuse the image that I used, however I feel that I need to make a point.
One of the biggest ways that you can fall on your face in this business is by- Revealing yourself, your business or your opportunity too early.
You might be just talking with one of your friends and you accidentally drop the taboo words-Network Marketing, MLM or Business Opportunity (even riskier ones such as - Turnkey system, residual income, passive income or God forbid- Wealth and Financial Freedom) and then you encounter the awkward silence or the look of surprise. Then you have to play the ultimate catch up game of scrambling for ground and respectability to stand on.
Now I am not saying you shouldn't say those words or that saying them will guarantee your failure. What I would like you to understand is that when you reveal your hand or your deck of cards too early you are leaving yourself completely open. Open to attack, open to scrutiny, open to objections.
Hearing or Seeing even an ad for an opportunity is exactly the same thing, we are either surprised we received it from someone we know, or we simply wipe it off our radar and forget about it.
By revealing something that hasn't been asked for, we are putting ourselves in the weaker posit on in any dialogue. Wouldn't it be better to structure all your conversations with your prospects in mind so that you can instantly feel when the time is right and you know that they WANT to hear what you have to say?
Well it is possible......
Here is one way to do it-
  • When you are asked "What do you do?" - Use this as a key opportunity to be inspiring and also qualify your listener.
  • Answer with something intriguing and something that will draw them into you- an answer such as- "I do home businesses" or "I help cure degenerative diseases" will probably get you nowhere. You want to focus on problems that mean real things to real people e.g "I help people grow a passive income while they play with their kids at home." or "I show people ways to reduce the amount of times they get sick."
  • It doesn't matter what you say or how you put it, as long as the answer focuses on a problem that the other person might have. If they then say- "Tell me more!" then you know that they might want to learn more. If they say, "Oh I see, well I don't get sick anyway." Then you know that they are probably not the type of people you would want in your business anyway.
  • By doing this you are bringing back YOUR POWER into the situation and you are becoming the selector instead of the chaser

By using such a simple conversational thread you are able to :

  1. Qualify your prospect.
  2. Talk comfortably about what you do.
  3. Never feel any form of rejection because YOU are the one who decides what information to give out and when-based on the listeners level of interest.
  4. You are able to attract and draw people into your world.

You never need to feel over exposed. If you remain in control of your words and keep two key things in mind- FOCUS on the PROBLEMS that your opportunity or idea solves, Focus on the OTHER PERSON, you will start to see conversations open up like you never believed possible.

If these ideas seem too simple then probably they are and you might question them. However remember that the most simple things can be the most powerful and also the most difficult to implement.

Try it out and see what happens. Watch your timing, master it and you will start to see a difference.

Now go out and improve people's lives-without pressure.

Marc Miles-Pressure Free Sales Coach.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Are you in the right business?

Where will you be financially in 10 years time? Will you have saved up enough for your first house, your first overseas holiday, paid off your credit card or been able to put away a small amount here and there for your retirement?

Maybe, maybe not. You see the current economic situation we are facing no longer gurantees that working 9-5, saving all our money and living off our credit card will be a viable way to survive in the new decade that we are coming into..

If you are seriously considering how to not only weather this economic storm but also be one of the lucky ones that benefit from it, take a look at what Robert Kiyosaki has to say about the future of wealth-

I hope that you took the time to watch. If you haven't that is fine, your life won't change much if you don't. If you did, then you will realize how useless working at a 'job' can be unless you are the CEO. Even then your income is pretty limited to the hours and effort you put in.

When Robert himself starts saying things like this and the importance of getting out there and establishing your own economic future instead of waiting for others to give it to you with 401 K's or superannuation- that seem to be disappearing faster than voters for bush, you have to really sit up and listen.

Anyway just something to think about and Robert is a great spokesperson for understanding the value of financial literacy and common sense in how to grow wealth.

The Pressure Free Selling Coach.

Till next time, Go out and improve people's lives, without pressure!

Monday, January 5, 2009

How to create an instant bond with your MLM/Network Marketing Prospect!

The ability to create an instant bond with your MLM or Network Marketing Prospect doesn't come naturally, particularly to newbies in the industry. Furthermore particularly to those who are not natural leaders.

A lot of people are under the illusion that it takes years of experience, expensive suits and flashy cars to impress and get noticed. But this is not so. When I joined my upline, she was a soft speaking, stay at home mum who was able to instantly connect with me at the heart. Sound gooey and unprofessional to you? Well maybe that is what is holding you back...

You see it isn't the outward things that will close the deal for you or help you recruit your next big associate or distributor or even customer. It is one thing and one thing only-


You see learning how to talk and be heard is an art. If you can follow a particular formula your message will always be heard and will always penetrate deep into the heart. Remember, the heart is where the emotions are held and it is the emotions that control all buying decisions. After we decide with emotions we back it up with logic. Remember that. Logic doesn't sell- Emotion does.

So here are 5 steps for getting heard and creating an
  1. Analyze your opportunity and fully understand the problems that it solves for people. How can it truly make people's lives better?
  2. Listen to your prospects daily problems. Get used to opening up dialogues with people about their issues and how they are suffering or struggling. Empathize and listen for pain that they might be feeling. Let's face it, how often to do you hear someone complaining about their health, finances or doomed economic future? All the time. Learn to get strategic in your conversations.
  3. Assess their Maturity- The fact is that many will be happy to wallow in their misery, others will want a change. But it is not for us to judge whichever level they are at. How do we do this- Ask them about other problems they have had in the past, how did they deal with it, were they able to get the results they wanted? etc. Whatever will show they they could be worth of taking charge of their pain and solving their own problems.
  4. The Opening Question- Ask them if they would be open to hearing an alternative solution to the exact problem they have described.... If yes, mention that you have come across something that has solved a similar problem you have had and maybe it could be a fit for them also, but it is up to them what they think. May not solve their 'exact' problem.
  5. Provide the info with an attitude of Ambivalence- You must remain neutral as you hand it over or send it. Let them know that you will NOT be chasing them or talking to them about it again. IF they see value in your opportunity they must call you. You have a strong team of professionals who have sort out strong answers to their problems and you love working with them because they are very proactive people and fun to be around, but you don't baby them or chase them up.

If you can show with all your words, body language and behaviour that you are an independent professional who solves peoples problems through a genuine care and respect for other people, then people will never give you the common objections or even consider doubting your intentions.

This is only one pressure free approach that authentic network marketers and MLM er's use.

How is your approach making your prospects feel?

Till next time, Go and improve people's lives- without pressure!

How to instantly lose an MLM prospect!

Yes Yes, I know that the picture is a bit dramatic, but let's be honest, this is often how we can all feel when we feel that we have lost a prospect or a strong lead for our MLM or network marketing business.
Unfortunately when people first start out in the industry they are so energized with passion for their great opportunity that they can and immeidately exhibit the exact behaviours and attributes that actually destroy any and all chances of anyone ever joining their business.
So if you want to immediately lose an MLM prospect please do at least one or more of the following-
1. Talk to everyone in your family about the great new business that you joined and tell them how quickly they can make money. - Watch your family tree suddenly wilter.
2. Send an email to all your friends and tell them that you have just quit your job to join a network marketing company and you are going to be a millionaire. Watch your contacts suddenly block you.
3. Start going through the phone book and cold calling from the letter A-Z. Listen for the hang-ups.
4. Place ads in the newspaper along the following lines-
'Work at home'
Huge potential earnings.
Call me Now!
-Watch your money going down the drain.
5. Spam all your friends on facebook, twitter, myspace and every other social networking site you know. Watch how many friends you lose or block you!
Now those already in the industry or still in it after having tried some of the above might scoff and say, yeah yeah common sense stuff. But reality check, who hasn't done at least one of the above?
What people need to realize is that it isn't the opportunity that puts people off, it isn't your intentions or how little your friends liked you in the first place that makes these activities a waste of time or painful.
It is simply that you in MLM and Network Marketing are facing the two biggest ghosts in the machine- PRESSURE & EGOCENTRISM.
What the hell do I mean you are asking? Well what I mean specifically is that people don't ever want to get involved in a business that involves 'pestering people' to join them doing something. Hence not an appealing process that anyone would want to replicate.
Egocentrisim, is that when people are prospecting the average focus is on who? YOU the distributor, if you get more people in, you do better. Very rarely does the prospect or the hunted victim feel that by them joining they are the real ones benefiting. Even if they do join they know consiously or unconsiously that someone else is benefiting from them joining up. Never sits well.
How to deal with the two problems of pressure and egocentrism?
  1. Start by approaching with a pressure free approach that demonstrates whole heartedly that you don't care if someone joins you or not, and that you are simply showing some info.
  2. Don't hide the facts. Be open with people and admit what you get out of the deal and show others that the only intention you have is to help your prospect solve a problem that they maybe facing in their own life. Share your story. Why did you join? Not the benefits, but the problems that you were trying to solve in your own life. Nothing more, if they are interested then maybe keep talking. If not, shut up and thank them for their time.
Feel free to choose either of the above strategies, either lose your prospects and follow the mistakes of others, or learn to treat your prospects with respect.
As you keep following this blog you will see more and more language that will effectively get your message across.
Watch out for my new ebook coming soon that pulls all the key languaging and successful traits of a top earning MLM er and Network Marketer into one resource.
Till next time- Go out and improve people's lives, without pressure.
Oh and if you are interested in an automated system to build trust with people check out what I use-

As Featured On EzineArticles

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Who's side are you on?

Which side of this wall are you on?
So many people enter MLM and network marketing with good intentions but fall flat on their face. 97% actually!
Yep, that is 3 % that go onto make big money and 97% that will get nowhere.
Which group you will be part of?
Well the answer to that question has nothing to do with the opportunity, product, or even the comp plan that you have.
All new 'distributors' or 'associates' or whatever your company calls, generally run into the same blockages and roadblocks whenever they are prospecting or recuriting.
These roadblocks all come back to the one thing- The Wall!
So what is the wall that trips everyone up? I mean can it all be so simple? Yes it can. See when we communicate with people we are either on one side or the other of a big wall. It is your ability to consistently cross that wall and see the other side that will determine your success or failure in the industry.
So the two sides are these- YCW -Your Compelling Why vs. PCW - The Prospect's Compelling Why.
When the average newbie to the industry or even veteran is attempting to communicate they are limited to one side of the wall and struggle to make the cross over and only communicate from the prospect's side. They are only focused on their reason for talking, not the prospect's reasons for LISTENING to what you have to say.
You see if you tell me-
"My company has been around for 20 years and we make the best nutritional products in the market that are the most scientifically proven effective amazing products in the world. Oh and we have an amazing compensation plan that will help you make a fortune! "
Who is the focus on? Yes that is right, the company and the distributor! Not the prospect. You must have the intuitive ability to make the leap over the wall and talk in a way that will speak to the person's reason for listening to you. Their Compelling WHY!
If you are able to stay focused on the key interests of the prospect and what they want to hear, see and feel from you then your message will be pressure-free and totally enthruall for your audience.
So what are your prospects truly interested in? Here they are in order of importance-
1. Who is talking- Yes you, they want to know about you.
2. The support they will receive.
3. What training is provided.
4. The marketing plan and the potential earnings.
5. The cost.
6. The product itself.
7. The competition and what else is out there that they are up against.
8. Company literature.
9. Company image.
10. Company history and experience.
So when you are talking you truly need to examine what side of the wall you are speaking from.
In order to do that you might want to follow these 5 steps to preparing for any presentation or interaction with a new prospect.
1. Write down Who was your upline and why did you join that person.
2. Analyse your reasons for joining your mlm or network marketing opportunity.
3. Consider how your mlm has helped you and other people, or if not, why?
4. Brainstorm the Problems- All the problems that your potential prospect might have and consider if your opportunity could really assist them with their problems, either financially, health wise or lifestyle wise.
5. Empathize and Energize- Imagine that you are in your prospect's shoes for a day. What do they feel and think? Imagine some of their desires and dreams and then -Energize them with an interaction that is going to open their mind to a new world of possiblities.
Please note the specific order of these tasks and notice that if you are truly focused on the other person they can but only appreicate the concern and care that you have shown towards them.
If you try to communicate your intentions in any other way, you will lose friends, burn through your prospecting list and kill your opportunity leads.
Check out the next post on specific languaging to approach people that you feel could benefit from your opportunity.