Monday, January 26, 2009

The Challenge to Be Perfect!

How Close Are You Getting to Perfect?

The Callenge to be Perfect in your Sales and Marketing

This post is more for those who are starting out in their own business or selling and it is simply some short fast ideas to help you feel comfortable with the idea of perfection.

I once read Robert Kiyosaki say that there are only 3 groups of people in the world.
  1. The group that absolutely love you.

  2. The group that havn't made up their mind yet.

  3. The group that absolutely hate you.

Robert said that the job of marketing was to focus on the first and the second group and never worry about the third.

You see the more I talk to people and teach them how to communicate in the selling envirnoment the more I feel their frustration and anguish over not 'being perfect' in their communication, their skill level, their marketing strategies or their ability to answer all the objections that people through at them for their business.

It makes me sad when people are not content with where they are really at in their own lives.

Let me reveal a secret to you- it is those people who exhibit the traits of both contentment and a fierce curiosity of the world around them that makes them successfu

And most people would say- Yes but how do I get satisfied when I hate everthing that is happening around me?

This answer to this is quite simple. Acept the fact that NOBODY IS or EVER WILL BE PERFECT! However, we all have the power to appreciate our own strenghts and admit our weaknesses. By doing so we are finally able to open the door to our true inner self to come out.

The first step on the road to self-actualization, sales mastery and any other success pursuits in life is- to admit what you don't know or your own weaknesses. When we were born our parents only ever saw us as perfect, and probably still do see us as perfect. It is only us and society that point out our flaws.

So what I would like the readers out there to understand is that the journey to perfection can not start without a true acceptance of ourselves as we are right now and that by admitting we are human and showing our faults, we actually achieve more in life.

A humble approach which shows that you are willing to help and solve people's problems is what truly stands you apart from others. Others will claim to be perfect or walk around acting as if they are perfect, however the empty hole in their soul is bigger than you can imagine.

Keep all your Sales and Recruiting efforts professional but also human. Noone is perfect and remember this is a journey of development, not a journey of perfection as we live each day.

By admitting mistakes, by being open to feedback, by treating others not like a business associate but by truly taking an interest in their world- Your impact in people's lives will astound you.

Marketing is simply about presenting yourself through unique, creative and innovative ideas like no one else can. And that is why YOU are so lucky. There is only ONE of YOU. So enjoy being YOU and understand that some people will love you no matter what you do so get yourself out there. Remember the three groups that Kiyosaki talks about and allow your true inner voice to sing to the world.

Now Go out and Improve People's lives- Without Pressure.

Marc Miles- Pressure Free Sales Coach.

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