Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Are you in the right business?

Where will you be financially in 10 years time? Will you have saved up enough for your first house, your first overseas holiday, paid off your credit card or been able to put away a small amount here and there for your retirement?

Maybe, maybe not. You see the current economic situation we are facing no longer gurantees that working 9-5, saving all our money and living off our credit card will be a viable way to survive in the new decade that we are coming into..

If you are seriously considering how to not only weather this economic storm but also be one of the lucky ones that benefit from it, take a look at what Robert Kiyosaki has to say about the future of wealth-

I hope that you took the time to watch. If you haven't that is fine, your life won't change much if you don't. If you did, then you will realize how useless working at a 'job' can be unless you are the CEO. Even then your income is pretty limited to the hours and effort you put in.

When Robert himself starts saying things like this and the importance of getting out there and establishing your own economic future instead of waiting for others to give it to you with 401 K's or superannuation- that seem to be disappearing faster than voters for bush, you have to really sit up and listen.

Anyway just something to think about and Robert is a great spokesperson for understanding the value of financial literacy and common sense in how to grow wealth.

The Pressure Free Selling Coach.

Till next time, Go out and improve people's lives, without pressure!

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