Friday, January 30, 2009

Old School Selling Vs. Trust Based Selling- What side of the game are you on with your MLM approach?

Are you Still Stuck on The ABC's of Selling? (Always Be Closing)

(Be Warned- Language and Content may Offend younger viewers)

Wow- What a Performance! I hope that you took the time to watch it all the way through. It really is a beautiful rendition of what the old school selling methods used to be.

I think there are some key themes that really stick out in the video and are attitudes that were very very prevelant particularly in those times of selling.

However those themes of pushing for the sale are no longer relevant in our recessed economy, world of distrust, and even more significant is the fact that clients are simply more educated and don't fall for the old school tactics anymore.

Key Themes-

  1. ABC- Always Be closing! - Yes that used to be the motto of the great sales people. However this motto seems to disregard the importance of rapport and looking out for what is best for the prospect. In the world we live in now, you can no longer manipulate people into a sale or try to push them in a direction that my not be right for them. Try a NEW MOTTO FOR THE NEW ERA of SELLING- ALWAYS BE OPENING.
  2. Everyone Should buy what you have- Interesting. Isn't it funny what the old school guru's had us believe. I don't even need to explain why that is stupid. Not everyone needs/wants what you have so acept it and get comfortable with that. Learn to concentrate on the people who are looking for what you have.
  3. If you are not succeeding in Sales it is YOUR FAULT- The guru's used to tell us to go out and sell and sell harder and if we are not closing it is becasue we are not closing enough. Funny about that one too. How about the fact that you are not keeping them OPEN to your ideas.

It is exactly the closing techniques that they used to tell us that acutally close people's minds to what we might have to offer them. Use you common sense, remember no one likes to be sold.

Keep your focus off the sale, off you and learn to focus on the other person and their issues and problems and watch your sales explode. That is the only way to think in this new world of TRUST Based, Pressure Free Selling. In MLM or any field it is all the same.

Now go out and improve people's lives- Without Pressure.

Marc Miles-Pressure Free Coach.

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