Monday, January 12, 2009

Balancing Personal Achievement and Your FAMILY!

Do You Have the Perfect Balance in your MLM Business between your Family and your Commitment to Building a Thriving Downline?

If you are like me then managing your business and your family's desire to be with you isn't easy right?

This topic really hit home to me when I went to church yesterday, yes I do go to church and yes I do believe in God. For all the Atheists out there don't worry this post won't be religious. However, what I came to realize is the all children, whether they are God's children i.e people or simply our family's children are all born with one simple desire-


Yes, to be loved by us! How do they want that? Simply by us, the parents being willing to spend our 'time' with them.

But the problem is, we know why we are doing our MLM business or Network Marketing. It is usually in order to be able to reach the financial freedom that we all desire, so that we CAN have that time with our kids. Only one slight clitch in that. While we are in the process of trying to achieve it we actually miss out on attaining that goal, unless we go all out and gain that financial freedom within a month or so. Sorry, but rarely happens.

So I was thinking back on an idea by Harv Eker in his book- Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. It talks about the idea of "AND". Many people think that having money and being happy is impossible. Many people say that having economic prosperity AND a safe Environment is impossible. But when we open our mind to different ways that two possibly opposing ideas can happen at the same time through the power of AND we can achieve dramatic and long lasting results. It's all in the power of questions. Here is my question for you-

How can you use your MLM business or Network Marketing business to build a stronger bond with your family right now?

The simple fact is your children don't care who, how , what you are prospecting. They just want your love. So how can we create that love AND grow our business within our own homes? -Be in a state of having the happy family with the resources that we all desire?

Creating this picture for yourself isn't impossible.

Here are 5 ways that you could do it!

  1. Set aside blocked time in certain days of the week where you get up early and do your blogging, your calling or your marketing. You only do those activities in your blocked time. By setting boundaries people will respect you more. Me personally, 3 nights a week for 2 hours. With the Internet it doesn't matter where or when you do it. Just make your efforts consistent.
  2. Talk to your family about things. Tell them that now Mummy or Daddy is making lots of new friends on the Internet and building something so that we can have more money to do more of the things we like.
  3. Every time you 'sign someone up' into your business- Celebrate it, as a family! Go out for dinner or do something that signifies Mummy or Daddy's hard work. Help your family to associate massive pleasure to your efforts. We all want to feel good so share the highs.
  4. Get their INPUT - If you get people happily involved in what you are doing they will want to see you succeed. Show them your latest blog. Ask them what they think. If you have high school kids, get them to do the layout of a direct mail out, get them to help set up your website. Whatever ways you can get their input will show how much you VALUE them. i.e LOVE them.
  5. Enjoy the Process and Show Patience- Life isn't just about achieving, it is about being. Understand the time it will take to achieve your goals, be clear on them and be clear about your time frames. It is a process and don't get impatient. Plant your seeds and watch things grow.

If anything in this post resonated with you as a parent or friend of a parent send me an email and let me know your thoughts. Oh and by the way all the time why you are doing these things, you are actually teaching your kids financial literacy too.

Go out and improve people's lives- without Pressure.

Marc Miles.

If you are open to learning how I made sure I balanced my family and my goals you can look at the system that I use, but I hesitate to even put this in.

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