Many of you would know me as a coach and consultant in the sales field, particularly those following me on face book. I am also a teacher and a dedicated learner. However, I had the greatest discovery only recently,
-The Power that one person can have to push us to make the changes that we really desire but are too scared to do ourselves, is mind blowing. I need to confess something to the world, I too have been using a coach. He name is MIA MUNRO and she has helped me change my life in ways that I had never imagined.
I have been so fortunate in my life to always be able to see my blind spots and see what I might be lacking and then find people to help me work on my issues. This has been in selling, emotional issues or even family life. For some reason I have always been able to associate with the best and find new people to learn from. Maybe I am just innately attracted to those people that can help me learn what I need.
Coaching, some might scoff at it in the sense of life coaching or success coaching and not see the necessity for it, but boy was I amazed at the results I got. We often go along in life believing we can’t do something, or if we could, we would have already done it by now OR if it was possible then everyone would be doing it. (Some of the most common objections for doing anything really)
For me, my sessions with Mia Munro were so special and empowering that I sometimes can’t believe some of the major shifts that I have had and the goals I have achieved. (Was able to lose 5 kgs, completely turned my financial situation around and even reconciled unhealthy family relationships) .
She helped me get rid of massive limiting beliefs, turn my dark days into days full of joy and feelings of abundance and redefine my life purpose, goals and values so that I am on fire every single moment.
My key problems- feelings of inadequacy, limited thinking on what I thought was possible and confusion about what I thought I deserved and wanted in life. With Mia’s help I was able to break through all those and I truly thank her from the bottom of my heart. I also thank the universe for bringing us together. We are now great friends and have had a truly amazing journey as client and coach.
If anyone isn’t getting the results that they want out of life and would be open to looking at creating a coach or someone to help open up their minds to possibility Mia could be the one to supersize you and get you on the right path. I knew I wanted more in life and I wanted to step up to the next level but there was so much holding me back and now the unknown no longer feels scary.
Thank you Mia and I wish you all the very best with whatever you do.
Check out her work at http://miamunro.com/
Marc Miles